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Iran, Hungary stress expansion of banking relations

Belgrade, Feb 5, IRNA – Iranian envoy to Budapest Mohammad Reza Morshedzadeh and governor of Hungary”s Central Bank in a meeting on Friday underlined the need for establishment of banking operations between the two countries which is line with strengthening of bilateral ties.
The governor of Hungary”s Central Bank felicitated Iran on conclusion of the nuclear agreement with the western countries, and expressed the hope that such measures will result in boosting banking cooperation between Iran and Hungary.
The Iranian ambassador, for his part, pointed to the recent visit of Hungarian prime minister to Iran which ended after concluding 10 agreements between the two countries, and said, “It goes without saying that planning for boosting economic and trade cooperation is impossible without creating a link and establishing banking operations between the two countries.”
“By removing the West”s oppressive sanctions against Iran, the European and non-European countries” traders, businessmen and bankers have rushed to Iran and it seems that under the new conditions, the grounds will be paved for boosting economic and banking cooperation between Iran and Hungary more than before,” Morshedzadeh added.

Ottawa lifts Iran sanctions, to restore ties

The Canadian government announced on Friday that is has lifted a portion of its sanctions imposed against Iran to help the two countries restore their diplomatic relations.
The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared that it has amended its “broad-reaching autonomous sanctions against Iran to allow for a controlled economic re-engagement, including removal of broad bans on financial services, imports and exports”.
A statement issued by Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion and International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland says the changes announced Friday mean “Canadian companies will now be better positioned to compete with other companies globally.”
All applications for export permits will be considered on a case-by-case basis, read part of the statement.
This is seen by the media as a key step to make Canadian companies more competitive against rivals doing business in Iran.
Nevertheless, the country has emphasized that it will continue to maintain tight restrictions on exports to Iran of goods, services and technologies considered sensitive from a security perspective.
Dion was quoted by the Canadian media as saying that the country is considering the restoration of diplomatic contacts with Iran, as well.
He had said last week that if Airbus is allowed to sell to Iran, then Canadian aircraft maker Bombardier Inc should be allowed to export there as well

Japan signs investment pact with Iran to boost economic ties

Japan and Iran signed a bilateral investment pact Friday in a bid to give Japanese firms an edge in the global rush for access to the resource-rich nation. Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida signed the pact with Iran”s visiting Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ali Tayyebnia during a ceremony at the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo.
The signing comes after Tokyo lifted sanctions on Iran last month following confirmation by a U.N. nuclear watchdog that Tehran had implemented measures promised under a landmark nuclear deal it struck with six major powers in July. The sanctions included halts on new investment in oil and gas.
Since the nuclear deal was concluded, the United States, European countries and China have been increasingly strengthening ties with Iran in a race to tap into its business potential. Iran, with a population of around 80 million, has rich oil and natural gas reserves.
Japan is determined not to fall behind its rivals and hopes the pact will eventually lead to greater auto exports and greater participation in the development of Iranian oil fields, Japanese officials said.
Earlier Friday, Tayyebnia praised the high quality of Japanese technology.
“The country of Japan, which in the eyes of the Iranians has always been associated with high-quality and trustworthy products, will have a higher chance to enter Iran”s market and establish long-term partnerships,” he said.
He added, there is “great appetite” in Iran for fuel-efficient, high-quality cars and motorcycles, renewable energy and improvements in agricultural processing.
With the lifting of the sanctions, Japanese insurance companies will be able to issue policies covering trade deals involving Iran. Japanese businesses will also be able focus on making new investments in Iran”s oil and gas sector.
Japanese companies are already lining up to resume business with Iran, with Suzuki Motor Corp. on Thursday saying it was considering returning to the Iranian market.
The lifting of sanctions may also allow Japanese companies to return to a development project in Azadegan, one of the world”s largest oil fields, in Iran”s southwest. Japan had a 75 percent stake in the project but withdrew in 2010.
Iran”s first shipments of crude oil since the lifting of sanctions departed from the country”s main oil terminal bound for Japan and China. The shipments left on Jan. 27, an Iranian oil ministry official said.
Each of the tankers is carrying around 2 million barrels of crude worth about $66 million.
Iran aims to boost its crude oil exports to Japan from 110,000 barrels per day during the sanctions to about 300,000, an Iranian news report said.

Ecuador calls for reopening trade office in Tehran

Iran and Ecuador discussed ways to facilitate mutual trade, launching joint ventures and reopening of Ecuador commercial office in Tehran. According to the IRNA news agency, Ecuadorian Minister of Foreign Trade Diego Aulestia Valencia and Mohsen Jalalpour, the chairman of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) met in Tehran on Monday.
During the meeting, Valencia called for revision of customs duty on its goods, exported to Iran, saying that Ecuador looks for its commercial office in Tehran to resume activity.
A major part of Iran”s exports to Ecuador, he said, contains industrial goods and machinery which their trade would be facilitated by expansion of relations between the two countries” chambers of commerce.
He said Ecuador seeks Iranian investment for its development projects in different fields such as exploration, extraction and refining of minerals as well as construction sector.
Furthermore, Valencia called for opening a credit line between the two countries” banks.
Jalalpour, for his part, said the Tehran-Quito could increase their mutual cooperation in Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as well as collaborating in entering regional markets by establishing joint ventures in neighboring countries.
He further noted that the two sides have high potentials to collaborate in setting up holding companies, creating new brands and providing other countries with technical and engineering services in oil, gas and agricultural sectors.
In a phone conversation with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa on January 24, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said removal of sanctions against Iran will pave the way for closer ties with Ecuador.
Rouhani said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes expanding and deepening political, economic and scientific relations with Ecuador as an influential country in the Latin American region.”

Iran, Italy seal MoU on ports

Managing director of Iran”s Ports and Maritime Organization announced the signing of agreement between Iran and Italy on ports. Referring to the recent deals between Iran and Italy in port and marine areas, Mohammad Saeednejad said two Memorandums of Understanding were inked in Italy between the two sides” ports”, Mehr News Agency reported on Tuesday. “The Free Port of Trieste, one of Italy”s largest ports located in the Adriatic Sea, seeks to establish trade ties with Iran,” added the official stating “on the basis of the agreement between the Italian port and the Iranian Shahid Rajaei port, the two sides pursue common objectives with regard to expansion of transits as well as exchange of transit goods.” Saeednejad noted that a fire safety deal was also signed by the Iranian delegation in Italy adding “the two ports agreed on technical and training cooperation, exchange of experience, holding technical and educational exercises as well as safety and firefighting drills. "Italian companies have expressed readiness to make investments in Iranian ports as well as that numerous liners have offered requests to enter Shahid Rajaei port," emphasized the official calling for installation of more equipment in the port. He also underlined that the received investment proposals for phases two and three of Shahid Rajaei port are currently being investigated; “in the present time, more than 18 international liners have entered the country”s ports,” added Saeednejad. He further reported that an MoU has been signed with Indians on making investments in the port of Chabahar and the agreement is in the final stages; “obstacles are being examined and the final deal will be officially announced once the Indian government approves it.”
